The Power of Acupuncture

Alleviate Seasonal Allergies and So Much More!

Does the thought of laying down with needles in your body cause you to cringe? Needles are undeniably the top reason people hesitate to give acupuncture a try. 

However, when most learn about the benefits of acupuncture, it’s hard to resist booking an appointment. Relief from allergy and asthma symptoms, less stress, better sleep, improved digestion, and muscle pain relief sounds amazing, doesn’t it?!

What exactly is acupuncture?

Traditional Chinese medical practitioners developed acupuncture to treat a wide range of health problems. It’s now commonly used in Eastern and Western cultures to treat everything from seasonal allergies to pain, stress, nausea, and more. 

According to Chinese medicine, energy flows through our body through meridian pathways—often thought of as a highway system in the body. Stress acts like a traffic jam, blocking the free flow of energy (Qi) throughout the body. Acupuncture treatment clears these roadblocks and helps energy flow smoothly, alleviating your symptoms. 

Acupuncture's Roots

Want to try acupuncture but hate needles?

If you’re worried that acupuncture needles are painful or you’re unsure how they will feel as the doctor places them, read on for some calming facts. 

  1. Acupuncture needles are not your standard needles. They are hair-thin, and most people report barely feeling them being placed. 

  2. What’s in a name? Needle phobia is totally normal. And as we just learned above, acupuncture needles are not the same, so think of them differently! We know some patients who call them tiny healing sticks, *insert your fun name here*

  3. Speak up. A good acupuncturist will work at whatever pace you’re comfortable with. You might start with just a few needles and then add a few more at your next visit. 

  4. Explore other methods. Acupuncturists are trained in other healing techniques such as acupressure, cupping, dry needling, herbs, among others. None of these require needles and are very effective treatment options. 

Most importantly, talk to your acupuncturist. Share your fears and ask all of your questions. A good doctor will listen and help calm and support you. 

Acupuncture Helps Improve Spring Allergy Symptoms & So Much More

Spring is finally upon us! But with the new season comes new seasonal allergies. In Ohio, this means people who suffer from mold and tree allergies (birch, maple, oak) will be reaching for the tissue box and searching for ways to help alleviate symptoms.

When common allergy medications and treatments fail to offer relief or have too many side effects, many people look to effective alternative treatment options such as acupuncture.

Acupuncture for sinus allergies and asthma symptoms is very safe and effective. If preferred, you can use it with your traditional over-the-counter allergy medications.

In addition to providing relief from clogged sinuses, sneezing, itching eyes, and scratchy throat, acupuncture may also boost your energy and improve your mood. Most patients also notice a lift in their general sense of well-being.

As well as treating seasonal allergies and asthma, acupuncture also relieves chronic pain, such as:

  • Arthritis

  • Back pain, neck pain, or muscle pain

  • Headaches and migraines

  • Knee pain

  • Repetitive strain disorders and overuse syndrome.

  • Menstrual cramps

  • Sports injuries

Other conditions that acupuncture treatments may help are:

  • Stress relief

  • Poor sleep

  • Immune system weakness

  • Cancer and cancer treatment side effects, such as nausea, pain, and neuropathy

  • Nerve damage

  • Infertility

  • Irritable bowel syndrome

  • Menopause and hot flashes

  • Discomfort associated with Pregnancy

Need Acupuncture?

If you’ve noticed that traditional medicines or therapies are no longer curbing your symptoms, consider attending our April 12th workshop on acupuncture, where you can talk to our doctors and fellow patients about their experiences and book an acupuncture appointment.


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