Take Control of Your Wellness

Do you feel that external forces, such as fate or luck, control your destiny? Or do you believe that your own actions and decisions shape your outcomes in life?

Today, we venture into the world of psychology and its parallels with holistic health and chiropractic care. The theory we'll be delving into is the locus of control, which our own Victoria Allen explored in a recent workshop.

At its core, the locus of control is a psychological concept that reflects our beliefs about the sources of our experiences. Those with an "external" locus of control believe that external events dictate their lives, while those with an "internal" locus of control believe they have the power to influence their own outcomes.

But how does this connect to the principles of chiropractic care and holistic health?

The Role of the Mind in Chiropractic Wellness

As advocates of holistic health, we at Holistic Family Chiropractic emphasize the importance of treating the body as a whole. We believe that our physical health is closely intertwined with our mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. This philosophy is deeply rooted in chiropractic care, which seeks to identify and address the underlying causes of physical ailments rather than merely treating symptoms.

During the workshop Q&A, Dr. Nate Sikora reflected on this idea, saying: 

"When it comes to our body’s health, our thoughts are things. While we can’t control the things that happen around or to us, we can control how we react and think about them."

- Dr. Nate Sikora

Mind-Body Connection in Action

The mind-body connection that Dr. Sikora references is a proven link between our mental perspectives and physical health. For example, when an individual maintains a mindset rooted in stress, fear, or negativity, it's not uncommon for these emotions to manifest physically. Muscle tension, headaches, or even digestive issues can be exacerbated or caused by chronic stress. Conversely, feelings of empowerment, positivity, and hope can foster healing, recovery, and overall vitality.

Chiropractic care, in its essence, supports and nurtures this connection. Through spinal adjustments, for instance, we're not just addressing the structural component of health; we're also tapping into the body's innate ability to heal and restore balance. As patients experience relief and improved function, their mindset often shifts towards optimism, reinforcing a positive loop of internal control and holistic well-being.

Embracing Control in our Wellness Journey

By believing that we have the power and agency to impact our health, we can take proactive steps towards a more vibrant life. In essence, by seeking chiropractic care, you're exercising an internal locus of control – taking proactive steps to influence your well-being.

As you continue on your wellness journey, remember that every adjustment, every visit, and every decision to prioritize health is a testament to your inherent power to shape your health narrative.

We're here to guide, support, and celebrate with you every step of the way!


Here are our 5 recommendations for cultivating an internal locus of control through chiropractic care and holistic wellness:

1. Regular Chiropractic Adjustments: The foundation of chiropractic care is the belief that the body can heal itself when properly aligned. By regularly visiting a chiropractor, you're taking control of your physical health, reinforcing the idea that you have a say in your body’s overall wellness.

2. Mindfulness Meditation: Integrate a daily mindfulness or meditation practice. It allows you to be present and aware of your thoughts and feelings, helping you recognize when external events or opinions sway you. Over time, mindfulness strengthens the internal locus by fostering self-awareness and a sense of control over one's reactions.

3. Holistic Journaling: Keep a wellness journal where you track not only physical ailments or improvements but also emotional and spiritual shifts. Over time, you'll start to see patterns and recognize how your proactive steps toward health influence your overall well-being.

4. Engage in Body-Mind Exercises: Activities like yoga or tai chi not only strengthen and stretch the body but also focus on the connection between physical movements and mental well-being. Engaging in these practices regularly can be a gentle reminder of your control over both body and mind. We offer FREE yoga classes at the clinic every Monday night. See the upcoming schedule on our Events page.

5. Continuous Learning: Educate yourself on holistic health practices, the science behind chiropractic care, and techniques for mental well-being. The more informed you are, the better equipped you'll be to make decisions that reinforce your internal locus of control. Attending workshops, reading books, or participating in webinars can be great ways to stay informed. See all of our upcoming workshops on our Wellness Workshops page.

By integrating these practices into your life, you'll be actively taking steps to strengthen your belief in your ability to influence your health and overall life trajectory!


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